Monday, August 30, 2010
Getting Settled Into the Coumadin Routine
When one is on coumadin, there is a test to determine if the dosage is "correct". The INR number is an indication of how "thin" your blood is. Before the drugs, my INR was 1.1. The goal, on the drugs, is 2.0 to 3.0. To get me there fast, a series of shots were scheduled twice a day for up to 7 days along with the drug. Sue was able to give me the shots. After three days of drugs and shots, my INR was 3 and the shots could stop. Now, I continue with the drug and get the INR tested twice a week for a while to see that the combination of drug dosage and my diet allow the number to stay in the 2 to 3 range. Drug dosage can be adjusted weekly if needed. It is estimated that I will be on coumadin for three months.
Friday, August 27, 2010
I'm Too Upset to Write Something Cute - Now I Have a Blood Clot
My daily temperature has come down to 99 degrees. It's still a little hot, but not as bad as the 101 degrees.
My stamina is returning to a level consistant with being at Day 25. Thats good.
Thursday we were in Mayo for one more test to find the cause of the fever. I was getting an Ultrasound of my upper right chest area where the Central Line used to be. It was 10AM, and my next appointment was at 12:30 to see my main doctor. The ultrasound technician finished the test, said that I could get dressed and asked me to wait a few minutes while they checked with the Doc to make sure that they got all the images that were needed. The Tech returned, said that the testes were complete and that they had moved my 12:30 appointment up to "immediately". Historically, my main Doc is never early because he is very busy. Something is up!
When I got to the next appointment, there were a few people that I had been working with on the fever challange. "Mr Jester, we found a Blood Clot during the Ultrasound and we have to start treating it immedately!" I will tell you more after I get my mind around this new development.
For now, I have started taking a blood thinner and have joined the Mayo Coumadin Clinic. I go to the clinic at least twice a week to have my blood tested and the coumadin dosage adjusted. The treatmnet will last about three months.
It is wonderful that they fould the clot before it caused any problems. It just sucks that I have one.
My stamina is returning to a level consistant with being at Day 25. Thats good.
Thursday we were in Mayo for one more test to find the cause of the fever. I was getting an Ultrasound of my upper right chest area where the Central Line used to be. It was 10AM, and my next appointment was at 12:30 to see my main doctor. The ultrasound technician finished the test, said that I could get dressed and asked me to wait a few minutes while they checked with the Doc to make sure that they got all the images that were needed. The Tech returned, said that the testes were complete and that they had moved my 12:30 appointment up to "immediately". Historically, my main Doc is never early because he is very busy. Something is up!
When I got to the next appointment, there were a few people that I had been working with on the fever challange. "Mr Jester, we found a Blood Clot during the Ultrasound and we have to start treating it immedately!" I will tell you more after I get my mind around this new development.
For now, I have started taking a blood thinner and have joined the Mayo Coumadin Clinic. I go to the clinic at least twice a week to have my blood tested and the coumadin dosage adjusted. The treatmnet will last about three months.
It is wonderful that they fould the clot before it caused any problems. It just sucks that I have one.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I Feel Like I'm On The Dr. House Show
Do you watch Dr. House? He is a specialist in diagnosing people's problems. 50 minutes of the one-hour show are sprent experimenting with various drusgs while they are zeroing in the real cause. Well, I'm definately in the first 30 minutes of the show! They put me on another antibiotic for a week. NO change in my temperature yet. - They removed my Central Line because their best guess was that it has an infection in it. (One that does not show up in any of the cultures we did.) So, it's out and now, whenever they need to draw blud or infuse a drup, they have to "stick" me. My veins have all withdrawn into hiding! We drove to Mayo Monday through Friday of last week. That is 85 miles rund trip. I wish I was still in the hospital!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Good Blood Counts are Not The Whole Story
Unfortunately, I have had a low grade temperature for the last 4 or 5 days. Yesterday, it spiked to 102.4! I am exhaused most of the time. I sleep, or at least sit with my eyes closed about 20 hoursa day. We went to Mayo yesterday to have blood drawn so see if I have an infection. The odd part is tht I do not feel ill. I feel like I can't keep my eyes open, hardly have the strength to walk and have this #@$% temperature. I hope that the testing yesterday an today finds something.
My Blood Counts are Doing Great!
The recent blood tests show that all the counts are returning. They (Doc's) say that the numbers are improving even faster than they would have expected. I am a model patient.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Been Home for Three Days Now - Still Sleeping a Lot
The trip home was uneventfull - I even stayed awake for the entire 55 minute drive.
Now that I've been home for three days, I notice that I am still sleeping most of the time.
Eating is getting better although it is not from hunger as much as I know that I have to eat.
The Taste Buds are still on their wild journey - I never know what is going to taste good today.
I go to Mayo today (8/16) to have my blood drawn and tested to see if all of the numbers are getting better.
Now that I've been home for three days, I notice that I am still sleeping most of the time.
Eating is getting better although it is not from hunger as much as I know that I have to eat.
The Taste Buds are still on their wild journey - I never know what is going to taste good today.
I go to Mayo today (8/16) to have my blood drawn and tested to see if all of the numbers are getting better.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day12 and I'm Going Home Tomorrow
Monday, August 9, 2010
End of Day 10- very little improvement
This is Sue. George is so exhausted he cannot write on his blog. From Friday to today his white blood cell count has come up from 0.1 to 0.3. Normal is 4.2 to 10.2. The wiz kid has slowed down a little. The Dr. says not to worry; soon his count will start zooming up. But for now he is very, very tired. At this time they are expecting he will go home no sooner than Thursday or Friday but we just have to wait and see what happens.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
My First Day With The Fever - Ugh!
My body is tired to begin with and now it has to deal with a fever. I slept all day except for the visits to take my vitals. I did not eat one bite of solid food. The fever has been hovering in the 99.5 to 100.6 range all day. All I want to do is sleep. This is Day8. They say my counts should start recovering soon.
This is the Doctor Speaking - Activate The First Fever Protocol!
I got my first fever. It spiked to over 102 at midnight which triggered the First Fever Protocol. They took a chest X-ray and drew blood to start a number of cultures. Since we do not know what is causig the fever, they start these cultures to see which one will "grow". Based on that they can tell what kind of bacteria I have and give me the correct antibiotic.
Three Days of No Energy and No Appetite
I have been laying in bed for three days. I don't even have the energy to take my walk in the morning/ I can't keep my eyes open most of the time. My Blood Counts continue to fall.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Today is "The Day" Plus 4
We have a funny way of counting days here in stem cell transplant land. The day that I got my stem cells returned to me is "The Day" or Day Zero. I got my chemo 2 days before that on Day-2. Today is Day +4 or Day 4. They are telling me that my blood counts should hit rock bottom on Day7 and that will be the worst time for my symtoms. After that, I should be getting better on a daily basis. The are projecting that I might be able to leave the hospital around Day 12 if my counts go up as expected.
Monday, August 2, 2010
No Side Effects - No Appetite
I have no appetite. My taste buds are on a wild drug-induced ride and make things taste stronger or weaker. If I get a ham and cheese omlet, the ham tastes like a block of salt. Or, the cherries on the cherry cheescake are s-o-o sweet that I cannot eat them. Today, 5 days after chemo, nothing tastes right. The are no other side effects to report.
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