Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Have the Walking Down Pat - Let's See if My Feet Can Stand Jogging

I have been walking three miles in just under one hour every other day for two weeks. My feet hurt worse on the "walking" days that they do on the resting days. I wonder what happends if I try jogging. The first series of chemo that I got in May-June-July used the drug Velcade. In many of the people, this drug causes Periperal Neuropathy in the hands and feet. Well, my feet are experiencing this problem. Often, my feet hurt so much that I cannot fall asleep. I have some Vicoden tablets left over from a tooth problem that really help a lot if I take them one hour before bedtime. The Mayo doc has given me a drug to help my feet but we have have found the correct dosage yet because it is not helping. So, between my lungs (which have been resting for two months) and my feet, I doubt if I will run very far - but I'm gonna try. I miss it. - - -bye.

1 comment:

  1. I have neuropathy experience (not related to chemo) and I know that when your feet hurt it's really the pits. Maybe with time and some drugs it will go away like your cancer. Cross fingers and toes (pun intended).
    Hugs on you,
