Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Checked Into Mayo Hospital Today

OK, it begins. We checked in today (7/28). The high-dose chemo will begin at 4PM and will take a couple of hours. The biggest concern for today is the potential mouth sores that 'may' develop from the chemo drug. To fight that, I have to suck on ice chips before, during and after the chemo treatment. They say that if I keep the skin in my mouth really cold, the mouth sores will be minimized. We will see....


  1. George:
    Do you feel the support, love and prayers out there? We are all with you!

    Dick & Brenda

  2. George,
    Thanks for keeping us updated through your blog.
    You & Sue are in our thoughts and prayers.
    (((Hugs))) Trudy & Jerry

  3. Hi - thanks for the prayers and the comments. They all help. With things going so well so far, I see that they are helping a lot.
