Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Feel Like I'm On The Dr. House Show

Do you watch Dr. House? He is a specialist in diagnosing people's problems. 50 minutes of the one-hour show are sprent experimenting with various drusgs while they are zeroing in the real cause. Well, I'm definately in the first 30 minutes of the show! They put me on another antibiotic for a week. NO change in my temperature yet. - They removed my Central Line because their best guess was that it has an infection in it. (One that does not show up in any of the cultures we did.) So, it's out and now, whenever they need to draw blud or infuse a drup, they have to "stick" me. My veins have all withdrawn into hiding! We drove to Mayo Monday through Friday of last week. That is 85 miles rund trip. I wish I was still in the hospital!


  1. I love it all, but the fever. Hmmmm. Wish I could help, but of course I cannot, so Jack and I will just have to cheer you on from the sidelines. Remember, sleep and rest is the body's greatest healer. Keep eating!
    We two

  2. Four hours awake, that's doing pretty well.
    Do you get nice cold cloths on your brow?
    You have more energy now than a week ago.
    Miracles take a little longer.
